Hello everyone, Kurisu here! It’s the beginning of December! I can almost smell the end of the year coming. Does anyone have any new year resolutions for next year? I’d be happy to hear them! Also, we are on the VIP chapters now! From now onwards, things are going to be a bit tough in […]
ATAPOW Chapter 102 (Sponsored Chapter #19) Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! This is the first chapter of the week! I am working on the next chapter, so it’s going to come out within this week or the next, I hope 🙂 We are now 1 chapter away from the premium chapter! I can’t wait! Special thank you to Diktorius and Rafa ! […]
ATAPOW Chapter 101 Released!(Sponsored Chapter #18!)
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! So last week was kind of a mess since there’s stuff IRL going on that I needed to attend to, and the longer word count on each chapter meant that I needed to spend more time on it. Hopefully, things will pick up pace now that I am back! As a […]
ATAPOW Chapter 100(Sponsored Chapter #17) & 6 German Chapters Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! Finally, we have reached Chapter 100! Time has really passed so fast. Originally I have never thought that we will be able to make this far, as a translator and as a community itself! Can you imagine that just at the end of book 1, we only have just 43 members […]
ATAPOW Chapter 98 & 99(Sponsored Chapter #15 & #16) Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! This is the release of ATAPOW Chapter 98 & 99! A happy (belated) Halloween to all of you! I was originally supposed to post a chapter tomorrow instead of two, but after polling the folks at my discord, we have all decided to post two chapters today instead! Well, time flies, […]
ATAPOW Chapter 96 & 97(Sponsored Chapter #14 & #15)
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! This is Sponsored Chapter #14 & #15. Well, I am really sorry about the delay. I was planning to release it shortly after Chapter 95, but I have to help out with some reports and my internet went down too! I will be working on the next chapter after this post, […]
ATAPOW Chapter 95(Sponsored Chapter #13)
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! Jesus, it’s been a long time since I did one of these! That doesn’t mean that you guys aren’t supporting though, so far you guys have been great! Without you guys and your amazing support, I will have already quitted a long time ago! A big thank you to all of […]
ATAPOW Chapter 93 & 94 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! Sorry for the delays! I hope everyone is doing well lately. These are the two chapters from last, last week! With that done, it’s going to be full speed ahead on the backlog now! Before I begin, I will want to let everyone know that we have changed the name, Chestnut […]
ATAPOW Chapter 91, 92 & 13 German Chapters Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! I hope that you all are having a fine day! As promised, I have come bearing the last chapter for two weeks ago, and the chapter last week. By the end of this week, I will try to finish up the chapters owed for last week once that is done, we […]
ATAPOW Chapter 89, 90 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! This is the chapter for last, last week. Geez, time flies! I am sorry for taking so long to finish chapters, real life has been quite a pain lately. There won’t be any more regular chapters this week, as I work to finish up what I missed and reach 100 chapters! […]