Hello everyone, Kurisu here! Uhm, this is the first chapter of the week, yay! I am sorry it had taken a while to come, as life has gotten in the way of translating, but I hope that it isn’t too late for you guys to enjoy it! Also to all the German fans out there, […]
ATAPOW Chapter 112 & 113 Released! (Sponsored Chapter #24 & #25)
Hello everyone! Kurisu here! Sorry for the long wait, since the second chapter was about to be ready, I’ve decided to release them all in one go for your enjoyment! Also, Suche has already passed me the next big batch of German Chapters, 18 chapters to be precise, so you German fans will have something […]
ATAPOW Chapter 111 Released!
Yoyoyo, Kurisu here! I bet you didn’t expect to see me so early, given that the last chapter was probably 2-3 days ago? Well, here I am! There’s also another piece of good news; After this chapter, there will be two more additional sponsored chapters along the way, so stay tuned for that! Special thanks […]
ATAPOW Chapter 110 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! It’s been 5 days since we last met each other, I hope y’all are fine! As my pc is fixed and all is well, this chapter is here! I hope you guys enjoy reading it! Special thank you to Suche, Mysti, Kyklu for editing this chapter. Also, a big shoutout to […]
ATAPOW Chapter 109 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! Well, last week has been quite a tough week for me and one of my editors, as we had quite the severe vertigo last week. That said, it’s not as if there is no silver lining last week; The repairman has returned my pc and it’s finally fixed! In order to […]
ATAPOW Chapter 108 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! Well, it’s honestly been a long period for me, what’s with Chinese New Year and everything! I have managed to take out my graphic card for the time being, so I will be using my integrated graphic card for the time being to fix and write out some chapters temporary! As […]
ATAPOW Chapter 107 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! This is the first chapter of the week! Sorry for the late release, some stuff has happened to my computer and I spent the rest of the week backing up the computer(and am still doing so)! Because of that, I can’t guarantee when the next chapter is coming 🙁 It’s going […]
ATAPOW Chapter 106(Sponsored Chapter #23) and 17 German Chapters Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! It’s been a while and we are now into the new year of 2021! How is everyone doing? With this chapter, I have finally cleared the sponsored queue, yay! Due to a lot of real-life commitments and holidays, it has taken me quite a while to clear them! Hopefully, things will […]
ATAPOW Chapter 105(Sponsored Chapter #22) Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! I hope everyone is doing well as there are just 2 more days to Christmas! *Blow party horn!* I know I have been pretty sporadic in my releases, but hey, even a translator needs to celebrate sometimes! I will try to release another chapter before Christmas, but if it doesn’t happen, […]
ATAPOW Chapter 104(Sponsored Chapter #21) Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! How are you all doing? Sorry for the 0 release these couple of weeks as there are some real-life issues I have to handle 🙂 Fret not, I am back for the Christmas celebrations and am thereby here to bestow upon you all a chapter! I will also try to finish […]