Hello everyone, Kurisu here.The next chapter is here! No ETA on the next chapter, it will be ready when it’s ready, but it’s around 20% done so look forward to that 🙂 As promised, I have also come bearing some random minecraft screenshots of the things we did there, here are some of the stuff […]
ATAPOW Chapter 136(Sponsored Chapter #36) Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! How is everyone doing during my absence? Also, I know it’s been a while since I last posted, so sorry for that! I know it has already been 12 days since the last chapter, but I can assure you that the next chapter wouldn’t be this slow 🙂 In fact, I […]
ATAPOW Chapter 135(Sponsored Chapter #35) and 3 German Chapters Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! I hope you guys didn’t miss me too much, for I’m back again with another chapter! I don’t have an ETA on the next chapter, but I can assure you that it will be released when it’s done! (As with this one) As promised, I have also released 3 German chapters! […]
ATAPOW Chapter 134(Sponsored Chapter #34) Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! After so many pings from my discord server, I finally decided to quit being lazy and release another chapter! The next chapter is around 10% done, which I will probably finish up today. Hopefully, I will be able to release it this weekend! For the German fans, Suche has been on […]
ATAPOW Chapter 133(Sponsored Chapter #33) & 6 German Chapters Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! Uhm, I know that I am supposed to post this chapter yesterday, but stuff happened and I fell asleep ^^|| On a brighter note though, the next chapter will probably be done today and edited tomorrow, so that will make up for my tardiness…I hope? T_T As promised, I have also […]
ATAPOW Chapter 132(Sponsored Chapter #32) Released!
Hello, hello! Kurisu here! As promised, here I am with another sponsored chapter! The next chapter has already been completed, but there are some QC checks pending for it so I will release it tomorrow instead! You can look forward to a double release this weekend 🙂 Special thanks to Suche and Mysti for looking […]
ATAPOW Chapter 130-131 & 6 German Chapters Released!
Hello, hello! Kurisu here! Hope you guys don’t miss me too much! As the bearer of good news, I have arrived to bring you a big release, with 2 chapters and 6 German chapters available for you guys to freely read! The next release will probably tackle some of the queues we have remaining as […]
ATAPOW Chapter 129 & 3 German Chapters Released!
Hello, hello! Kurisu here! Sorry for the long hiatus. I am still in the midst of things, so I won’t be able to post this much yet. But I have managed to finish up a chapter for you guys! I can’t guarantee when I will finish the next chapter, cause it’s 3000 words. All I […]
ATAPOW Chapter 128 Released!
Hello everyone! Tutturu! It’s me, Kurisu-desu! Sorry for the late post, as real life has been kicking me in the ass badly and I just got this chapter done 2 days ago. The next one will likely be translated on the weekends, if all goes well! Hope it will be sufficient to tide you guys […]
ATAPOW Chapter 126 & 127 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! Time passed so fast! In the blink of an eye, we’re already in June. I hope everyone is doing well! I have brought with me 2 chapters to apologize for the lack of chapters these past few weeks, I hope you guys have fun reading it! There is also a picture […]