Hello everyone, Kurisu here! As promised, this is the chapter for this week! Also, something to note, I just realized there is two separate Magic system in this novel. One is the magic spells that Gordon used, which I will label as sorcery from now on. And the other one is just magic spells that […]
ATAPOW Chapter 156(Sponsored Chapter #46) Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! Guess I shouldn’t toot my horns too early huh. After I praise myself last chapter, my release rate has slowed down again… I will try to make up for the release If anyone wants to support me, they can check out my kofi or paypal! Special thanks to Suche and Mysti […]
ATAPOW Chapter 155(Sponsored Chapter #45) Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! Hope you guys are doing great! Not going to brag, but I think I am pretty much in tune with the chapter releases 🙂 Next chapter is already done, just gotta QC and we are good! 🙂 A big thank you to Jason Kurniawan and Joan Castellón for the support! You […]
ATAPOW Chapter 154(Sponsored Chapter #44) Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! I know this comes as a surprise, but here’s another chapter out for you guys! Not sure about the ETA of the next chapter, but I’m going to try and get some of it done after this post 😉 If anyone wants to support me, they can check out my kofi […]
ATAPOW Chapter 153(Sponsored Chapter #43) Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! I know I should have released this chapter a bit earlier, but it was Chinese New Year and there’s a lot of things that require my attention T_T On top of that, my computer has broken down and I am currently using my brother’s laptop to post this chapter. I will […]
ATAPOW Chapter 152(Sponsored Chapter #42) & 3 German Chapters Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! I’ve been busy cleaning up the house for Chinese New Year next week! I hope all of you have been doing alright, whenever you are! 🙂 If anyone wants to support me and give me an (advance) red packet, they can check out my kofi or paypal! For our German fans, […]
ATAPOW Chapter 151 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! It’s kind of crazy, but after next week, our site will be officially 2 years old! That’s crazy, right? Time just flies by so quickly these days! Anyway, the next chapter has already been edited, so there will be AT LEAST a chapter to look forward to next week:) Annnnnd that’s […]
ATAPOW Chapter 150 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! For some reason, I am still stuck in the festive season, so releases have been pretty slow recently… I hope all of you have been good though! Next chapter is already done and edited, and just needs a bit QC… Which I will get to hopefully shortly after this post 🙂 […]
ATAPOW Chapter 149 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! First of all, happy new year! I hope everyone has spent it meaningfully with their family or your loved ones! Anyway, sorry for the late release, this chapter is honestly a big pain to edit so it took much longer than it normally do! Hopefully, with the bustle from the new […]
ATAPOW Chapter 148 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! Merry Christmas!~ メリークリスマス~ It’s already been our 2nd Christmas together… I don’t know whether I post a chapter then, but I didn’t forget it this time, so praise me Senpais!~ That said, I am really thankful for everyone that stuck with us, even when there are times where our releases kind […]