Hello everyone, Kurisu here! This is the fifth chapter and a sponsored chapter at that! Just a heads-up, there will be no chapter tomorrow. The regular chapters shall resume on Tuesday! This chapter is brought to you by from Paypal, Laid Ghanem, Alexander Wroe. And from Kofi, Nobody and Mechacoin! A big thank you to […]
Browsing Month: May 2020
ATAPOW Chapter 48 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! This is the 4th release of the week! Well, time passed so fast, hasn’t it? In a blink of an eye, it’s going to be Monday soon! I hope everyone has enjoyed themselves on the weekends! As for the sponsored chapter, I am still in the midst of QC, so I […]
ATAPOW Chapter 47 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! As promised, this is the 3rd chapter of this week. Given that I have almost say everything earlier, there’s really not much to say now, except that the chapters for this week have already been translated and going through editing. For anyone who wants to read more chapter and support my […]