ATAPOW Chapter 32

ATAPOW Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: Discussion

“Oh, I thought it was some type of condition. Isn’t that jus… Wait, what did you say?” Ji Bai was slightly stunned. Ke’er, who still had a 0v0 expression on her face, immediately turned red. Almost like fresh buns from a steamer, spirals of white smoke rose up from her small head.

“I don’t wish to repeat this good news a second time… But seriously, you can play and raise a cat-eared loli, and also be exempted from the lodging fees. A joyous opportunity has figuratively descended from the heavens in front of you and you’re still pretending to be oblivious?? You could be raising your own wife if a slip-up occurs, got it?? Don’t you know that there’s a large number of fellow bachelors hoping to push a knife into your back?” Lin Tuo grieved and lamented as he said this.   

“Nyaahu~?” Ke’er frenetically lowered her head; Her small, bun-like head was still completely red. 

‘Eh? From the way he’s putting it, it indeed sounds like I made a killing?  However, I’ll forget about that minor detail about potentially raising my wife. If possible, I would want to find a normal human girl to buy a suite together with while gaining a stable income. Once I retire, I’ll visit the great rivers and mountains of Tamriel1 while wantonly killing chickens and those kinds of stuff until the day when I’m permanently unable to go online.’     

“Are you included with the house?” 

“Stop spouting crap and quickly give me a clear answer! This sort of dream job is coveted by so many licentious men! If you don’t want it, then there’s plenty of people who can easily replace you.” Lin Tuo sulkily urged him on.

“What? No, who said I didn’t want it? Isn’t it just raising a cat? I got it, I got it… That’s right! You should hurry up and deal with my reimbursement fee.” 

‘Logically speaking, isn’t it just raising a small kitten? This is nothing but just a small problem.’ Ji Bai was a smart man and was clearly aware of the differences between foolishness and pure stupidity. What’s more, if he was to stay in a public dormitory, the ensuing fallout wouldn’t simply just end with death2.’ As far as the issue of his identity being exposed was concerned, Ke’er was still young and unaware of his problems. As long as he paid attention in his everyday life while slightly misleading her, this matter should pass smoothly. 

‘Mhm, it should be alright.’ Ji Bai thought this as he thought things through.    

“Hey, did you hear that? The tool finally agreed.” Lin Tuo gave Ke’er a smile. 

“Th-Thank you big brother Lin Tuo!~” Ke’er was overwhelmed with the kindness Lin Tuo showed her. She incessantly nodded her small head in an excited manner, she lifted her maid’s apron and revealed a sweet and therapeutic smile.   

“No worries, it’s fine as long as you’re happy. In the future, if someone has any warped thoughts or abuses you in any way, tell us immediately; The Chivalric Order of the Moon will forever be your backer.”  Lin Tuo showed a heartfelt smile. He deliberately shot Ji Bai a glance as he spoke up to this point. 

“That won’t happen, big brother. Mister Ji Bai’s not that kind of person~” Ke’er responded with a warm smile.  

“I hope that that’s the case too.” Lin Tuo looked at Ji Bai in a meaningful glance, one that disappeared as soon as it came. He then put on a hearty look and placed a blue card in Ke’er hands.  

“Go to the dormitory building that big brother pointed out and pass this card to the older sister on the front counter. She will give you a key and the certificate for the house.”  

“Alright. Thank you Brother Lin~”  Ke’er expressed her thanks. With traces of redness in her complexion, she both wittingly or unwittingly looked at Ji Bai.   

“Oh, I still have to say a few words to Ji Bai. You go ahead first. There will be a lot of time in the future for you two to get along, right?” Lin Tuo jokingly said.     

“Nyaauuuu~ Brother Lin, don’t spout nonsense…” Ke’er felt embarrassed and lowered her small head.

“Hahaha! Anyway, you should head out first. Your brother Ji Bai will follow soon after.”  

Ke’er shyly nodded her head. Her small claws covered her face as she ran off.  

While he continued to stare at the petite silhouette gradually fading further away, Lin Tuo’s smile slowly vanished. He then took out a box of cigarettes and a lighter from his chest. 

“Do you want a cigarette?”

“No, I don’t like to smoke.” Ji Bai declined. 

“Oh.” Lin Tuo smiled. He then took out a cigarette from the box and lit it up himself while muttering some words in his mouth.  

“One ought to get on their knees when they see someone with a metal ring on their head while people with rings on their legs or necks must be scorned. 

“One must learn when to accept and reject someone’s gifts.” 

“What’s below the floor ought to be confiscated while what’s above should be burned.”

“A short-haired person should be stabbed in the belly while a long-haired person should be ‘stabbed’ in other regions.

“The creed is always correct and infallible. People who try to counter its teachings are heretics and demons that need to be burned at the stake. “

“What are you harping on about?” Ji Bai slightly knitted his eyebrows. 

“Hmm? What am I harping about? It’s the knight’s creed of course. Did I recite wrongly? That shouldn’t be possible, right?” Lin Tuo replied with a righteous expression. 

“…” Ji Bai narrowed his eyes. He was now carefully sizing up Lin Tuo, who now had a complacent expression on his face. 

“Speaking of which, are you really not planning to have one? …It’s really rare nowadays to see granddads like you that don’t smoke or drink, don’t you think so? Granddaddy knight?” Lin Tuo said in a teasing tone. His eyes that were looking at Ji Bai now carried traces of ridicule in them. 

“Did you send Ke’er away just to tell me this?” Ji Bai wasn’t too astonished when it came to the issue of his knight-identity being exposed. On the contrary, this was something he anticipated and was just an issue of time. If he continued to hide this fact and it got revealed someday in the future, it would be extremely hard for him to explain. Thus, Ji Bai decided to show his true self from the beginning.     

“That’s not completely it. It’s kind of a little bit of advice more than anything.” Lin Tuo slowly said as he puffed out a ring of smoke. He then looked towards Ji Bai.

“Ji Bai, I’ve already known that you’re not just some little fish in the pond since the first time I laid eyes on you… Haven’t the knight salute, and battle posture you showed in the combat exam  inadvertently trying to reveal that you’re a part of those pompous fellows?”  

“Hm… So? Are you suspecting I’m a spy sent by the official knight groups or something?” Ji Bai raised both the corners of his mouth and eyebrows.  

“No, I never doubted you on this point. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have suggested that you would take care of Ke’er.” Lin Tuo’s serious look gazed at Ji Bai.   

“However, maybe you’re just trying to lie low by intentionally revealing your identity, but… considering that you willingly assisted a helpless demon in your confusion. So what if you’re one of those granddaddy knights? It doesn’t matter anymore. ”   

“You seem to be very hateful towards knights. I recall that you said that your organization abides the knight’s creed?” 

“That’s different. The knights that belonged to the Chivalric Order of the Moon are naturally different from those plunderers who commit atrocities in the name of justice.” Lin Tuo shook his finger. His meaningful smile made Ji Bai feel as if he was a sage pretending to be a mortal. 

“That’s too much, no? Have you forgotten who were the ones that shed their sweat and blood just to get back our human rights?” Ji Bai’s tone turned heavy as he said these words.

As someone who had personally guided the knights on the front line and saw them shed both their sweat and blood for a greater cause, Ji Bai was unable to endure the mockery of someone who had stood far behind the front line and enjoyed the fruit of their work.  

“Oh, I forgot to add something. I truly still have respect for those true knights that are fighting for peace and equality while putting their lives on the line. However, these kinds of people are the extreme minority to things when all is said and done. The current chivalric order has long rotted under the influence of politics, power, and wealth. It’s not too far off the mark to say that they’re the hired thugs of politicians.” 

“Watch your words citizen! Don’t just listen to mere hearsays! In accordance with the creed, the way you humiliate the knights…”  

“Oh my, there it is. There’s that set of pompous sounding words again. As expected of the granddaddy knights, even your tones are all the same. For your next action your highness, are you going to draw out your sword and rush over and chop off my head in a fit of humiliation and anger?” Lin Tuo revealed a playful smile. 

“…I won’t do that, but I will definitely not allow anyone to slander and vilify those genuine knights and their creeds.” Ji Bai suppressed the fury in his heart.  

“Alright, alright. My revered knight, I guess it’s necessary for me to apologize for this matter. Although I don’t like you at all the least bit… Finally, allow me to give you some advice. I don’t know why you left your chivalric group. But since you have chosen this place as your new home, please refrain from committing any transgressions and abide by our strict laws.” Lin Tuo said in a seemingly self-serving manner.  

“Also, this world isn’t something that can be explained in a straightforward, black-and-white manner. That’s all I have to say for now. Go now, Ke’er is still waiting for you.”  

Ji Bai descended into silence as he stared at Lin Tuo’s back.  

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  1. He’s referring to the Elder Scrolls. I believe. ED: He is.
  2. I have to rewrite the entire paragraph. This paragraph heavily deals with Chinese Numerology, and how 2 and 4 works in society. 2 generally represents stupidity, while 4 is an inauspicious number that deals with a lot of things, such as death. It can also mean that someone was absurdly foolish because 2 is a factor of 4. So the whole paragraph was talking about how Ji Bai knows maths, and knows what is the better choice to take. And how staying in a public dormitory means 4, i.e, death. While my translation is a bit simplified for the overseas reader, I hope that it will give you some context on what these things mean :)
Mythologies Translation