Hello everyone, Kurisu here! I hope everyone is doing well! We are already heading into August, can you imagine that? 4 more months and the year will be ending! I hope all of you manage to fulfill half of your New Year’s resolution, at least. Anyway, this is a special chapter sponsored by our very […]
ATAPOW Chapter 206 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! I hope everyone is doing well, I have been keeping track of the news, and this summer has been very hot! Also, I will like to apologize for the slow update, I have been kind of swamped lately and the weather isn’t helping ^^||. Not to worry though, there should be […]
Observation Chapter 2 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! As promised, this is the chapter for Observation! The next chapter of ATAPOW will be coming, albeit a bit late, so stay tuned for that! To all my Patreons, good news! You’ll be able to read a chapter ahead of other folks! If you are subscribed to my Patreon, you will […]
ATAPOW Chapter 205 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here! How’s everyone doing? We’re already one month into summer, and I hope you’ve been enjoying the season with some fun activities while staying well-hydrated! For those of you eagerly awaiting the next chapter of observation, I have exciting news! The next installment will be released next week, so make sure to […]
ATAPOW Chapter 204 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here. I hope everyone is doing well! Sorry for the slow delays, but we have finally got done with last week’s chapter! There will probably be another chapter this week, although it will probably occur somewhere in the middle of the week! Special thank you to Suche and Mysti for looking over […]
ATAPOW Chapter 203(Sponsored Chapter #61) Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here. I hope everyone is doing well! Geez, time passes by so fast, huh? Didn’t realize it’s been 4 days since we last meet! So a couple of news! Bad news first – Our editor is moving this weekend, and probably won’t have access to any internet, so the next chapter will […]
ATAPOW Chapter 202 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here. I hope everyone is doing fine on this amazing Monday! I originally wanted to post this chapter earlier, but I ran into some minor hiccups with my site. Thank god, it’s back now though, as it’s nearly 5:49 am here and I really have to go to bed soon 🙁 Boy, […]
ATAPOW Chapter 201 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here. How is everyone doing on this wonderful Sunday? I finally made it on time today to release a chapter! I am going to give it brief since I think I pressed publish before I actually finished writing the post so enjoy! Special shoutout to: Eluay, Nickmaster, Apple, Matt, Leon, Zack, Natalie, […]
ATAPOW Chapter 200 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here. How is everyone doing? I never thought I’d see the day, but wow, Chapter 200! It’s insane. I didn’t think I will have made it this far without you guys supporting me, so thanks again! A special shoutout to my editors who have stuck with me through highs and lows, as […]
ATAPOW Chapter 199 & Observation Chapter 1 Released!
Hello everyone, Kurisu here. I hope you’re all having a fantastic Tuesday! Can you believe it? We’re just one chapter away from reaching Chapter 200! It’s hard to believe that this translation project has been going on for nearly 3 years. Time really flies, doesn’t it? But that’s not the only exciting news I have […]