ATAPOW Chapter 203(Sponsored Chapter #61) Released!

Hello everyone, Kurisu here. I hope everyone is doing well! Geez, time passes by so fast, huh? Didn’t realize it’s been 4 days since we last meet! So a couple of news! Bad news first – Our editor is moving this weekend, and probably won’t have access to any internet, so the next chapter will be late… Expect it to be around Monday – Tuesday.

Onto the good news, there will be a new chapter of Observation for our Patreon supporters this Sunday! If anyone is still thinking about joining us to get early access up to as many as 10 chapters as well as possible commissioned artworks in the future, do feel free to check us out here!

Last but not least, this is a special chapter bestowed by our very own Lilias, Azzy! They have chosen to release this chapter at the end of the month for you amazing people, so make sure to send him a message on discord, or leave a lovely comment below, alright?

Special thank you to Suche and Mysti for looking over the chapter!

With our protagonist successfully entering the city – albeit a bit worse for the wear mentally, what will happen next? Click here to find out!

If you guys don’t mind supporting me, do you mind leaving a positive rating or review on Novelupdates? It will help me out a lot!

Find any editing errors in the chapter? Please join my discord and point it out! Of course, if you’re just here to chat, you’re welcome to! We are always looking for people to fill up our amazing community 🙂

Until next time :),

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